The music served at Christian churches varies widely based on the denomination and the location of the congregation. Some churches prefer hymns, while others might have a praise band or choir as their main form of music. The main goal of any type of music being played during services is to create an atmosphere of worship and draw parishioners into a space of reflection and personal connection with God. There are a number of different types of music that could be played at church services, including hymns, spirituals, sacred jazz, praise songs, hymn-like songs, and soulful hymns. Whether you love gospel, classical, or something completely different is up to you. There is no "correct" type of music that should be played at church services because everyone is unique and has different musical taste. The choice is ultimately yours but it’s helpful to understand what each type of music entails so you can make an informed decision about what would be best for your church’s design and vibe.


Hymns are usually the first type of music that comes to mind when we think of church music. Hymns are usually short, repetitive songs that are written to be sung by a congregation. Hymns are often used at Christian services to help parishioners focus on the scripture being read that day or to start a worship service. Hymns are also sometimes used as a transition between one part of the service and another, such as between the sermon and the closing song. Hymns are often used in Christian services to help parishioners focus on the scripture being read that day or to start a worship service.


Spirituals are an African American folk song that often include lyrics about Biblical stories and are often played at black churches during services. Spirituals are usually accompanied by a drum and are often performed in unaccompanied verses. Spirituals are usually sung during the middle of the service and can be very rhythmic and loud, often using hand claps, tambourines, and foot stomping to create a very upbeat, energetic sound. Spirituals can be a very powerful way to express your faith and connect with God during services, so make sure to bring an open mind if you go to a church that often plays spirituals during services.

Sacred Jazz

Sacred Jazz is a type of music that mixes the sounds of traditional sacred music with modern jazz. Sacred Jazz is usually played at Christian services on a very low volume and often includes instruments like the piano, guitar, saxophone, and flute. Some examples of popular sacred jazz songs and artists include “Sacred Path” by David Beck and “I Am” by D’Angelo. Sacred Jazz can be a great way to create an atmosphere of reflection and renewal during a worship service.

Praise Songs

Praise songs are usually shorter versions of worship songs that are meant to be a little bit more upbeat. Praise songs are usually played in the middle of a service and are often used to transition between different parts of a service, such as between the sermon and closing song. Praise songs can be a great way to lighten up a service and help parishioners release their pent-up emotions and energy. Praise songs can also be a great way to express your faith in a very positive way.

Hymn-Like Songs

Hymn-like songs are often very similar to hymns and are often used as interlude songs during a service. Hymn-like songs differ from hymns because they don’t usually include as much religious imagery and are usually shorter in length. Hymn-like songs can be a great way to transition between services and help parishioners unwind after a long week of working and school.

Summing up

The type of music played at a church service can have a big impact on the atmosphere, emotion, and overall experience of a service. The type of music you choose for your church service is ultimately your decision, but it’s helpful to know the different types of music that are out there so you can make an informed decision. It’s also important to remember that the music at your church doesn’t have to be the same throughout the day. You can switch up the music at your church service from time to time to help keep things interesting and help parishioners unwind from a long week of school or work.